Green Wall set for official unveiling at February Open Day
The finishing touches to Morley’s vibrant new North Kensington Green Wall will be unveiled as part of an Open Day this Thursday 10 February.
Masterminded by Kickstart employee Dino Dalle-Vacche – a proud member of the North Kensington community – the 36m-long Green Wall is a striking addition to the façade of Morley’s North Kensington Centre whilst the building undergoes a £13m transformation that will deliver a state-of-the-art teaching centre in the coming months.
Four local artists will contribute to the Wall before its official unveiling at 4pm, and we’re delighted to be supported by some truly sensational local talent.
From 5pm, we’ll throw open the doors of the Centre to welcome in prospective students interested in a varied curriculum that includes:
- Business and IT
- Music (including our groundbreaking new courses in rap and beatbox)
- Art and design
- Essential skills (maths, English, digital)
- Early Years
- Public Services
- Counselling
- …and more
For budding entrepreneurs, there’s also the opportunity to join a free taster session using The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, (iDEA), an international award winning programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free. Our expert Business and Enterprise staff will be there to answer any questions.
Join us for an opportunity to:
- Get one-to-one advice and guidance with an expert subject leader about the courses you’re interested in
- Tour our specialist facilities
- Join workshops and tasters taking place on the day
- Meet current and past students
- Get support and advice from our Finance, Admissions, Wellbeing and Student Support teams