Please read this guide before completing the form

16-18 Bursary Application Form 2024-25

  • This form cannot be saved and returned to so please make sure you have everything you need before you start the application.

    Information collected on this form is requested to allow us to fulfil our contractual obligations in relation to the distribution of support funds. We may use the information to contact you directly in relation to your application. All your information will be kept securely. For further information on Data Protection at Morley please refer to our Privacy Notice at Please refer to our Financial Assistance for Students policy for full details and conditions.
  • The bursary is awarded if your attendance is 90% or above, you can check this on e-trackr or MyDay.

  • Please note: The first deadline is Friday 25th October 2024. After all applications have been processed we will open applications again if we have funds to support this.

  • There are two types of Bursaries available, and you only need to apply for one

  • 1. The Vulnerable Bursary is for students who are in care, care leavers, receiving Universal Credit and living independently or receiving Personal Independence Payments as well as Universal Credit in your own right.

    Eligibility: You must be over 16 but under 19 on 31st August and must be enrolled on an applicable accredited course(s). Your application will not be assessed without the correct evidence, please upload below.
  • 2. The Discretionary Bursary is for students who are dependent on someone in receipt of a means tested benefit or on low income (less than £25,300.60 annual gross salary).

    Eligibility: You must be aged 16-18 on 31st August, 19 or over and continuing on a study programme you began aged 16 to 18 or 19-23 and have an EHCP. You must be enrolled on an applicable accredited course(s). Your application will not be assessed without the correct evidence, please upload below.
  • Please note, funds are limited and eligibility for the fund does not guarantee a grant will be made.

  • Personal details

  • This can be found on your offer letter.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Course Details

    This is for your main course with the college, if you are also studying English and/or Maths we'll assess this as part of your application.
    For your main course and English and Maths if you are taking them
  • 1. Vulnerable Bursary ONLY - Questions and Evidence Upload

    Please tick only 1 box
    If you are aged 16-17, please apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photo card. If you are aged 18 on 31st August and you live in a London Borough you can still apply for the 16+ zip oyster card as you will be in full time education. You’ll need to apply online in your own name and when prompted add in the college name. You will need to download and print a verification letter to take to college, which we’ll sign and stamp you’ll need to take to a post office along with proof of age and address to get your photo card. Please apply at:
  • If you are in care or a care leaver, please upload a letter confirming your status from your local authority. If you are receiving Universal Credit in your own right because you are financially supporting yourself, please upload a Full Monthly Universal Credit Statement with your name and address AND a document such as a tenancy agreement in your name. If you are receiving Universal Credit in your own right because you are financially supporting yourself AND receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP), please upload a Full Monthly Universal Credit Statement with your name and address AND your evidence of DLA or PIP AND a document such as a tenancy agreement in your name.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
    • If you are applying for the Vulnerable Bursary and you have uploaded your evidence above, please skip to the Bank Account Information section below.

    • 2. Discretionary Bursary for Travel and Materials. We need to know about your household circumstances. Please answer all of the following questions, the answers go towards determining your eligibility for the fund.

      All information provided in this section will remain confidential. Please provide full details of what money you receive each month and upload any relevant documents to support what you are saying. E.g. bank statements, benefit letters. Proof of expenditure may be requested. Income should be for the whole household.
      Please tick only 1 box
      If you are aged 16-17, please apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photo card. If you are aged 18 on 31st August and you live in a London Borough you can still apply for the 16+ zip oyster card as you will be in full time education. You’ll need to apply online in your own name and when prompted add in the college name. You will need to download and print a verification letter to take to college, which we’ll sign and stamp you’ll need to take to a post office along with proof of age and address to get your photo card. Please apply at:
    • Annual Household Income

      We can only accept bursary applications from those whose household income is below £25,300.60.
    • If nothing please put £0
    • If nothing please put £0
    • If nothing please put £0
    • Monthly Household Income Documentation

    • We need to see evidence of your household income as indicated above. You can upload more than 1 item of evidence and this can include, recent bank statements, benefit documents (dated within the last three months), payslips, or any other information which is relevant. Your application will be delayed if you do not attach copies of the documents which support your claim.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 2 MB.
      • Bank Account Information

        We need your bank details in order to pay you any bursary funds awarded. The bank account MUST be in the student's name - a basic bank account can be opened once you are 16. If you do not have a bank account in your name please open one before submitting an application. Please make sure the details you enter are correct.
      • e.g. Barclays
      • This MUST be in the student's name.
      • 8 digits
      • Please enter in the format XX-XX-XX
      • Declaration

      • You must agree to all conditions.
      • DD slash MM slash YYYY
      • For further advice & information:

      • Morley College London

        Morley College London, Chelsea (SW10 0QS) North Kensington (W10 5QQ) Waterloo (SE1 7HT) T: 020 7450 1889 E: W: Morley College Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 2829836. Registered charity No. 1023523.