Dates Available

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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PDGF01A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This intensive course is aimed at people who want to learn to paint or to improve their painting skills. Sessions will cover different aspects of painting from direct observation, giving a solid foundation for development.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Paint confidently from direct observation
  • Create a tonal painting using a limited palette
  • Generate colours using different techniques
  • Explore expressive brushwork and gestural marks

Class format and activities

You will be painting in response to direct observation of still-life objects. Through demonstration and discussion your tutor will introduce various approaches to painting: colour washes, tonal underpainting and expressive mark-making. As well as making fast studies, there will be opportunity for re-working a painting for a longer period. There will be group discussions facilitated by the tutor. In order to ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular and detailed feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive context.

Entry requirements

The course is suitable if you are a beginner and if you have some experience and wish to develop your work in a new direction.

What you need to know before you enrol

Sessions will take place in-centre at Morley College Waterloo

What you need

The following materials are recommended: acrylic paints; watercolours; oil paints; a range of brushes; cartridge paper/watercolour paper; sketchbook for written/visual notes; pencils; eraser; PVA glue for sizing (sealing) paper; gummed tape for stretching paper; drawing board for resting/stretching paper on; some simple still life objects with a range of colours and textures.

What you can do next

The technical and observational skills learnt on this course are useful in a wide range of art disciplines. You could continue on to courses in Drawing and Painting which are offered at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels at Morley College.