When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PTGA10A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

If you would like to find out how to explore the properties of water washable inks for monotype printmaking this course is for you! Working with tutor Michelle Avison who uses the techniques extensively in her own work, you will be shown how to use Cranfield Colour (Caligo) water washable inks to make lovely monotypes that exploit the possibilities of the inks, water and oil. You will print using the etching presses but also shown how it is possible to hand print images. Please bring one or two images that you would like to work from- drawings, paintings or photographs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand the properties of Caligo water washable inks
  • use the particular qualities of the Caligo ink with different methods to make varied marks
  • explore markmaking in Monotype
  • make a series of monotypes to take home


  • Full fee
  • Concession fee
  • Class format and activities

    Teaching will include demonstration group discussion and one-to-one. Personal time to explore and develop your own work. Group show and tell to discuss achievements and learn from the work of your colleagues on the course.

    Entry requirements

    Enthusiasm and willingness to experiment!

    What you need to know before you enrol

    Health and safety information will be given at the start of the course and subsequent lessons where necessary. You will be asked to sign a form declaring that you agree to follow procedures as advised. Some chemicals used may be harmful in pregnancy, and some may cause irritation in very rare cases. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant or have any sensitivities and they will advise you as to necessary precautions.. Note: at present there is no wheelchair access to the print studio, and the studios are on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. If you have any mobility issues please contact the department prior to enrolling.

    What you need

    Paintbrushes, drawing equipment, sponges etc. Sketchbook, photos, drawings to work from. A folder to take your work home in.

    What you can do next

    There are many courses available in the department where you could continue your printmaking. The tutor will discuss those at the end of the class.