When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24STEA06A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Are your portraits feeling staid? Do you want to learn techniques to capture more character and expression? This four-day course combines a study of one long life-size head pose across the four days, with smaller, quicker expressive portrait exercises. Learn and develop observation skills, clay modelling, and individual approach focusing on achieving expression in a portrait head in clay. All levels, including beginners. Basic materials included, but extra charge for materials used over £8 materials’ fee.? For further details and to book, see the Morley College website.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Learn techniques to capture character and expressions in portraits
  • Learn and develop observation skills, clay modelling and handling techniques for firing, working from a portrait life model in a variety of poses
  • Improve skills and confidence, explore new approaches, and develop individual approach and expression through portrait life modelled sculpture
  • Encourage good workshop practice including Health and Safety in relation to self and other studio users
  • Develop critical decision making skills in relation to your own work and as a member of the class/group recording progress through sketch books and photos of your work to self-assess

Class format and activities

You will be guided by your tutor to develop your own individual clay modelled portrait head works observing and measuring from the model. You will learn by practical tasks working from a life model Activities will include demos of clay modelling to catch more expression, taking measurements, handling of clay for firing. There will be peer learning (learning from each other) and projects designed to encourage learning. In order to ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.

Entry requirements

Some experience of Clay Life modelling is required. Enthusiasm for the subject and a willingness to experiment in order to progress. The class is mixed-level, often with new people and more experienced students. The class will be taught using spoken English with a very small amount of writing when filling in forms. If you require extra help in understanding English or in writing, please explain this to your tutor and they will do their best to help

What you need to know before you enrol

This course takes place in Pelham Hall (off site). Clay sculptures can get heavy so let your tutor know if you have any difficulty lifting heavy loads - help is always available.

What you need

You should wear work clothes or apron in this class & hard shoes or boots. No sandals or high heels; you will be in a workshop environment. Sketch book and pencils are useful.

What you can do next

You can try different sculpture courses, Pre-Foundation and Art Foundation courses at Morley. The work produced can also be used in portfolios for entry into Higher Education applying for Art Degree courses or developing your own studio practice.