When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code K24ESKD02D
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course is for you if you have already completed ESOL Entry 3 or if you are at the Upper Intermediate level in English. At this level you will develop your English Speaking & Listening, Reading and writing skills and prepare for exams. It will help to enhance your confidence, going for further studies and employment opportunities. You will also meet people with similar interests. Overall, the course will help build your range of language-vocabulary and structures-by studying a range of different topics. You will be working towards achieving the C&G L1 qualification and on successful completion of the course, you will achieve the following qualification:?Award in ESOL Skills for Life (Speaking and Listening) [City and Guilds]

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Work towards language features to identify meaning in a text
  • Work towards identifying the purpose of a written text

Class format and activities

This course is in college. All the lessons will take place in one of the newly-renovated classrooms. You will work individually, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class group. You will also have the chance to talk on a one-to-one level with your tutor. You will experience a wide and varied range of activities, such as listening to audios, role plays, quizzes, use of YouTube videos, and other helpful online websites. Everything that you learn will help you in your daily life and work.

Entry requirements

At our Advice & Guidance days, you will take an initial assessment and speak to a teacher and determine your current level of English.

What you need to know before you enrol

The academic year is divided into three terms. Term 1: is the Speaking & Listening Term (C&G Speaking & Listening Exam at the end of the term) Term 2: is Reading (C&G Reading Exam at the end of the term) Term 3: is the Writing term. (C&G Writing Exam at the end of the term) You will, however, learn all the four basic skills throughout the academic year.

What you need

? A pen. ? A-4 lined writing pad / a notebook for taking notes ? File to keep materials from the course in, ? A mobile phone with internet connectivity.

What you can do next

After completion of this course you can continue with ESOL Stepping-up to L2 or the ESOL L2 class or consider other options such as looking for work or other courses in the college. You can also use our Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance services to help you decide.