When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code C24TDDC03A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Blender is a 3D computer modelling and animation software increasingly used professionally across industry and the arts to make a wide variety of 3D imagery and models The software is free and opensource, and so is a fantastic way to start learning the valuable skills needed to get started in this exciting field of design. A good understanding of Blender is a transferrable introduction to the plethora of other platforms used in industries such as architecture, product design, engineering, games design, CGI film and animation. In this course we will take you from the basics of 3D modelling right up to producing a photo-rendered image of your creation

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Navigate within a 3D space in Blender and become familiar with the user interface
  • Understand the principles of 3D modelling
  • Model a 3D object by manipulating 'vertices, edges and faces'
  • Model an object using the 'Sculpting Mode'
  • Use 'Modifiers' while modelling to create a variety of 3D forms
  • Explore rendering techniques, including the use of lighting and materials mapping

Class format and activities

The course will be in person at the Chelsea centre, in our state-of-the-art HP Omen PC studio Entry requirements This course is for absolute beginners using 3D modelling; however, it is recommended that you have a good level of confidence using computers. What you can do next Many people find learning software from scratch using Youtube videos is very difficult. This course will give you the foundation you need to make accessing the wide range of free resources online useful.

Entry requirements

This course is for absolute beginners using 3D modelling; however, it is recommended that you have a good level of confidence using computers.

What you need to know before you enrol

This is a welcoming and inclusive class, which responds to the developing needs of students.

What you need

A notebook and stationery.

What you can do next

Many people find learning software from scratch using Youtube videos is very difficult. This course will give you the foundation you need to make accessing the wide range of free resources online useful. Additionally Morley college may offer Intermediate and Advanced courses in the future depending on demand