When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24JPMB01A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

A hands-on introduction to the basics of blues piano for competent pianists, based on the tutor's book 'Improvising Blues Piano'.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Play simple 12-bar blues melodies in the keys of C, F and G
  • Accompany yourself and others by playing a bass line in the left hand
  • Use basic improvisation techniques for the right hand
  • Play triads, sixth chords and their inversions
  • Play more confidently with and in front of others

Class format and activities

The class is held in a keyboard room, each student has their own digital piano. Students can play together or take turns, following demonstrations and suggestions from the tutor. There are also two acoustic pianos in the room for those who wish to play duets. Time will also be spent listening to blues piano recordings in class.

Entry requirements

Knowledge of major scales in most keys. Familiarity with major triads. You will be expected to practise every week between classes and to prepare pieces for performance.

What you need to know before you enrol

You will be expected to practise every week between classes and to prepare pieces for performance.

What you need

Recommended text: 'Improvising Blues Piano', by Tim Richards (Schott Music 1997), available from all good music shops, from the tutor, or in Morley Library. You may also wish to check out the free YouTube clips linked with the book: https://goo.gl/gpHE2s

What you can do next

Blues Piano 1B and 1C.