Dates Available

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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24CRSA03A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course is for students who want to start developing their own glazes but do not necessarily want to go to deep into the science behind and are looking for a more practical methods for experimentation. You will be introduced to the basic principles underlying glaze recipes and discover what role particular materials play in a glaze. We will be using base glazes to experiment with. Practical activity includes making glaze tests, weighing and mixing test glaze batches, adding colouring oxides and making line and triaxial blends. Each session you will review, analyse and discuss your results as a group, to develop your understanding of glaze technology.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • •Identify glaze ingredients and the role they play in a glaze
  • •Practice weighing and mixing glazes
  • •Identify how metallic oxides are used to colour glazes
  • •Demonstrate awareness of Health and Safety issues in ceramics through safe studio practice, with consideration towards others
  • •Demonstrate awareness of Health and Safety issues in ceramics through safe studio practice, with consideration towards others

Class format and activities

The course is a mix of theory and practice where you will be listening and note taking about the chemistry of materials, weighing and preparing glazes, firing these to different temperatures.

Entry requirements

This course is for students who have a fundamental understanding of the ceramic process, and, in particular, experience of making and glazing ceramics.

What you need to know before you enrol

The ceramics studio is on the 3rd floor and there is lift access. If you have any concerns or requirements please discuss this with your tutor who will be happy to give guidance, or assistance if required. You can also contact admin -

What you need

A notebook and pen is useful. You will also need an apron or old shirt. Your tutor will advise you about which tools to purchase. We make a £2 per kilo charge for clay, which includes the bisque and glaze firing.

What you can do next

Morley College offers a wide range of courses at all levels of ability, including a certified HND Ceramics course. Students can also look to progress onto other part or full time Ceramics or 3D courses such as BETC, BA degree or MA postgraduate courses. Your tutor is also happy to advise you in setting up your own studio. After several years of study many students progress to setting up their own ceramic practice and exhibiting in open studio / house weekends and local and national craft fairs.