When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PDGD03C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Develop your drawing ability by using a range of materials, such as pencil, charcoal, soft pastel, coloured pencil and collage. Your tutor will set projects over 1 or 2 weeks that you can follow and develop onsite or from home, via Teams and WhatsApp. This course will help you find ways to draw that suit you, through examining a variety of approaches and artists’ work to instruct and inspire. Subject matter will include objects, the figure, landscape and a virtual visit to a museum or gallery. Approaches include: observation, expression, composition, and abstraction.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Choose from a range of drawing materials
  • Adopt a variety of styles and approaches to drawing
  • Practice strategies for drawing more accurately and/or expressively
  • Learn from contemporary and historical drawing

Class format and activities

This is a practical course and you will spend most of class time drawing. Your tutor will facilitate group discussions, give presentations, demonstrations and work with students one to one and in groups. This particular course aims to help you develop a more personal and considered approach to image-making by taking you through a series of different projects. These projects will continue for 1 or 2 weeks giving you time to experiment with alternatives and develop your drawings. This term, these are: • Accuracy Challenge • Imaginary Spaces • Serial Experimentation • Express Yourself! • Art Exhibition • Head and Body

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements but you should have some experience of drawing, e.g. have already taken a beginners’ class such as Drawing for Beginners.

What you need to know before you enrol

If you choose to attend this course online rather than attend onsite: It will be delivered using email, Teams and WhatsApp. You will need access to a personal device with internet and a camera, such as a computer, iPad or smartphone. A smart phone will be useful for photographing and sharing finished work. You will need to download software for Teams prior to the first class (instructions and support will be sent to you by email. For Teams you will need to access your Morley Microsoft 365 account with your Morley College email and password). You will also need to provide your own art materials.

What you need

You will need to provide a sketchbook. For onsite learners: some basic materials are provided, and additional paper and other materials are available for purchase at a low cost. Alternatively, you may wish to bring your own materials. For online learners: you will be able to work with whatever art materials you have at home. Suggested items are pencils, eraser, sharpener, willow charcoal, soft pastel, biro and drawing ink, brushes, dip pens, sticks, glue (such as Pritt Stick, and a ruler. It is recommended to have a designated art place, however small, where you can draw. If you have a garden, you may like to try working outside where the light is different. You are advised to wear protective clothing e.g. old shirt or apron.

What you can do next

Further courses at Morley include Life Drawing and Painting, Experimental Painting and Drawing or courses in Sculpture, Printmaking, Ceramics, etc.