When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24VSSA05B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Deepen your knowledge of song repertoire in English language, and develop your performing skills in this course for advanced learners led by a leading expert in the field. Auditions take place on 24 April 2025, 2-5pm. Please contact enquiries@staging.morleycollege.ac.uk to arrange an audition.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explore concert song repertoire in English language in depth (eg. songs by Britten, Finzi, Barber, V. Williams, Quilter, Walton, Smythe)
  • Develop performance etiquette and communication with audience
  • Apply a range of performance skills for new and existing repertoire
  • Increase confidence as performer in concert and audition setting
  • Improve your technique and interpretation skills at an advanced level

Class format and activities

In each session, you are invited to bring along a concert song of text in English language (including songs by non-British composers) to perform to your peers, and receive guidance and feedback from the tutor. You are free to choose your repertoire, but the tutor is also happy to offer advice in the first session. There is a class accompanist.

Entry requirements

This course is for advanced singers (Grade 8 and beyond). Places are limited for this course, and entry is through a successful audition to the tutor. Please prepare one song of your choice in English language, and bring along a copy of the music for the tutor and one for the accompanist. Auditions take place on 18 April 2-5pm. Please e-mail enquiries@staging.morleycollege.ac.uk to arrange an audition slot.

What you need to know before you enrol

You are free to choose any classical song repertoire in English language. You will be expected to perform a new song at least every other week, and to set aside time for preparation between classes. There will be an informal end-of-term performance.

What you need

Two copies of your chosen aria each week (one for the tutor and one for the accompanist), and any equipment suitable for recording/making notes.

What you can do next

You may wish to consider auditioning for one of the Opera courses at Morley (Introduction to Opera Performance, Morley Opera School), which will give you the opportunity to work on stagecraft and ensemble singing skills. Other specialist courses for advanced singers at Morley include: Singing Masterclass in Lieder, Singing Masterclass in French Song, Singing Masterclass in Oratorio. For more information and to arrange an audition for any of the above courses, please contact the Music Department.