When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code K24ESKD02G
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course prepares you for an in-depth, high-level qualification that shows you have the language skills that UK employers and some universities are looking for. It is suitable for those who have passed Entry 3 exams or understand and use English confidently at intermediate/upper intermediate level. You will need very good study skills and a commitment to making progress. In this class, you will develop your overall English and prepare for exams. To achieve the full ESOL Level 1, City &Guilds qualification, you must pass Speaking and Listening Level 1, Reading Level 1 and Writing Level 1.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Produce content appropriate to purpose
  • Use appropriate language for a given task
  • Structure text in a logical sequence for purpose
  • Use grammar, punctuation and spelling correctly

On successful completion of the course, you will achieve the following qualification: Award in ESOL Skills for Life (Writing) [CG]

Class format and activities

These are classroom-based lessons. Some lessons may be delivered online. You will work in pairs or small groups or as a whole class group. You will also work on a one-to-one level with your tutor. You will experience a wide and varied range of activities such as listening to audios, role plays, reading aloud, writing activities, quizzes, word searches and other games. You will also use YouTube, an interactive whiteboard and computers to help you learn.

Entry requirements

If you have not previously studied at the college you will take an initial assessment at one of our Advice & Guidance days, which will determine your current level of English. You may join this course, if your assessed level meets all the standards at ESOL Level 1.

What you need to know before you enrol

Students are expected to commit to doing regular homework, practise daily and read widely. This is a high-level English course. Furthermore, attending 2 classes of 3 hours per week with a minimum of 90% attendance per term is required. Term 1: Speaking & Listening, Term 2: Reading and Term 3: Writing

What you need

A pen, paper and a file (folder) to keep your work in.

What you can do next

Progression will depend on progress made during the class. The teacher will advise you on the next step. You may want to continue onto the next level – Stepping Up to Level 2 or ESOL Level 2. Your next step may be mainstream education where English is the medium of instruction or employment. You may want to progress onto a CAE or IELTS course for university admission or widen employment opportunities and gain promotion at work.