When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PTGA05A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

During the Autumn term beginners will explore variety of etching techniques including hard ground etching, soft ground, colour and photo etching. More advanced students will explore all of these techniques and progress to a multi-plate etching. After half term photo etching will be introduced to be used in conjunction with the plates made during the first half of the term. Open to both beginners and more experienced printmakers. All students are given the opportunity to explore a variety of etching techniques in simple stages. Beginners will experiment with mark making and learning etching techniques before embarking on a more developed piece of work. For returning students the emphasis will be on creating multi-plate prints. Returning students will be encouraged to experiment with colour and learn how to print multiple plates using both registration procedures and experimental compositions. The classes are lead methodically offering guidance on techniques, supporting and nurturing individuality within the work. Students are always encouraged to work in sketchbooks and collect information to develop their visual imagery. In subsequent terms, the spring will explore collagraph printmaking, including textured mark making and drypoint. In the summer term, the emphasis is on project based work where students can either set their own projects or be guided by a project set by the tutor.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • explore how to draw, ink and print drypoint plates in one or more colours
  • create an etching one colour
  • create a colour etching, incorporating photo etching
  • share ideas with peer group in group crit, projects, demonstrations and discussions in order to progress in your work
  • build technical knowledge, and professional expertise in the safe use of printmaking equipment and the print workshop
  • returning students can continue with work from previous term or join in with new project

Class format and activities

The teaching of the course is organised in a way where group discussions are encouraged and one to one tutorials are offered. As adults there is flexibility and understanding within the class with the main purpose of bringing out the very best in students by sharing fun and creativity within the realms of professional knowledge. There will be an opportunity for group and critical discussions.

Entry requirements

This course is suitable for beginners well as more experienced printmakers. Beginner students are those with little or no knowledge of printmaking and returning students are classified as those who have attended previous printmaking courses at Morley College or equivalent courses elsewhere.

What you need to know before you enrol

Health & Safety information will be given at the start of the course and subsequent lessons where necessary. You will be asked to sign a form declaring that you agree to follow procedures as advised. Some chemicals used may be harmful in pregnancy, and some may cause irritation in very rare cases. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant or have any sensitivities and they will advise you as to necessary precautions.. Note: at present there is no wheelchair access to the print studio, and the studios are on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. If you have any mobility issues please contact the department prior to enrolling.

What you need

It will be helpful to bring along a sketchbook, or other ideas and starting points, an apron and drawing materials i.e. a variety of pencils 2B-6B, rubber, pencil sharpener.

What you can do next

Classes continue into the Spring and Summer term with the same tutor. Join either or both of these subsequent classes to build knowledge and experience W24PTGA05B, W24PTGA05C