When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code K24SHEA08A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

A fun and engaging course to help you maintain a good range of movement and physical and mental alertness through physical exercise. Class work is adapted to daily needs and you will work within your own safe individual limits.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Have posture awareness
  • Know how to exercise safely and correctly
  • Identify the benefits and purpose of each exercise
  • Perform exercises for mobility and stamina
  • Consciously relax body and mind

Class format and activities

The course will be delivered in college. Typical activities will include moving to music rhythmically done in a chair, exercises for mobility, work with hand weights performed seated in a chair, and floorwork done on mats or chairs for flexibility and strengthening muscles.In order to ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular and detailed feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.

Entry requirements

General level - suitable for all.

What you need to know before you enrol

For further information please email science.enquiries@morleycollege.ac.uk

What you need

Please wear suitable loose exercise clothing and trainers. You may also wish to bring a small towel and bottled water.

What you can do next

Take further fitness classes at Morley College.