When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24HMSI05C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Whether you’ve been with us before or you’re joining now, be assured that this content rich, dynamic course run in a friendly, encouraging atmosphere will help you consolidate your basic knowledge of French, improve confidence in all four skills and expand your cultural awareness regarding topics as varied as the weather, daily activities, travelling through France and visiting a chateau! Pas mal, n’est-ce pas?

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Make appointments on the phone or in person, for work or leisure, using time expressions
  • Understand forecasts and talk about the weather in the present, past and future
  • Talk about daily routine activities using common reflexive verbs in the present tense
  • Use common phrases for shopping
  • Use the past tense to talk about events in the past
  • Use the past tense to talk about events in the past

Class format and activities

Practising speaking, listening, reading and writing, Learning through speaking and practical activities (individual tasks, role-plays, pair and small group work, games), Writing basic single words and short sentences, Following and giving simple presentations, Listening for gist and understanding of basic message, Revising on topics (e.g. vocabulary) and grammar points, Using the perfect tense with 'avoir' and 'etre', Using the imperative form, Using reflective verbs, time expressions

Entry requirements

We recommend that you achieve the learning outcomes of French Stage 1 Term 2 or the equivalent of 30-35 hours before enrolling for this course. Also suitable if you learnt French some time ago and would like to start again at near beginner’s level.

What you need to know before you enrol

Revision will be an important part of learning, therefore you should dedicate at least 2 hours a week to individual study and homework.

What you need

Paper and pen. , A bilingual French dictionary. , If required, a course book will be negotiated at the start of term. Please bring your own device, and a notebook and file to each lesson.

What you can do next

French Stage 2 Unit 1