When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24JWYD01A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This intensive year-long jewellery-making certificate course offers a structured programme to guide you through the training needed to get started designing and making your own jewellery. You will cover set projects and gain confidence with sketchbook use to produce a final piece of your own design. This is a studio based course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Work confidently with metals and other materials to produce professionally finished pieces of jewellery
  • Identify tools and equipment needed to complete projects
  • Work through a design from initial conception to final completion
  • Develop a portfolio of work, designs and technical knowledge to aid applications for further training, work or development of personal practice
  • Work confidently in a group applying health and safety guidelines


  • Full fee
  • Concession fee
  • Class format and activities

    Term One The first term is designed to familiarise students with the basic techniques used in jewellery making. Students are also expected to complete homework tasks. Techniques covered: transferring a design, piercing, drilling, filing, polishing, forming a ring, soldering, texturing metal, chain-making, wire drawing, riveting, forging. Projects include:• pierced brass monogram• pierced silver ring of student’s own design• textured ear studs• base metal chain of student’s own design Homework Independent research & reading, sketchbook work, collecting images, simple design exercises, write up of technical notes each week. Term Two More advanced techniques are covered, in conjunction with greater emphasis on design. Students are encouraged to use their sketchbook work as starting points for the design of the projects. Techniques covered: stone setting, drawing exercises, wax carving for casting, acrylic: cutting, polishing, texturing, thermoforming. Projects include:• silver bezel-set stone ring• wax carved ring or pendant• acrylic cuff with rivets Homework Independent research & reading, technical notes and sketchbook work becomes more focused. Term Three Students produce a mood board during the Easter break, which forms the basis for their personal project. Two more techniques will be taught, and depend on what will be most useful for students to complete their projects. Personal projects consist of a small collection of related jewellery pieces (3-5) or one complex piece, plus supporting sketchbook work and technical notes.

    Entry requirements

    Before you enrol on this course, please contact helen.smith@staging.morleycollege.ac.uk to arrange an advisory phone call or interview so we can make sure that this is the right course for you. This is a beginners level course.

    What you need to know before you enrol

    The jewellery studio is on the 3rd floor of the main building, there is lift access. You need a moderate level of fitness to be able to use jewellery equipment. Some chemicals used may be harmful in pregnancy. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant and they will advise you as to necessary precautions. Appropriate health and safety guidance will be given as each new technique is introduced.

    What you need

    All tools needed to take part in the course are available in the workshop. We also provide basic materials in reasonable quantities, such as base metals and other materials such as paper, acrylics, enamel etc. There are some items you will need to purchase yourself such as precious metals (silver and gold), stones, saw blades and specific sized drill bits. Your tutor will help you assess your metal requirements for each project and provide a list of suppliers. It would also be helpful to bring: Sketchbook and pens/pencils. Apron and hair band to tie back long hair.

    What you can do next

    Jewellery Certificate Level 2 W23JWYC01A, or Intermediate Jewellery courses at Morley College. Experience gained on this course will be helpful if you are considering applying to higher education/ an apprentice scheme/ workshop experience