Dates Available

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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24DNEL02C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course will cover the basic rhythmic and expressional vocabulary of Kathak, an ever evolving form of Classical Indian dance. Focussing on posture, co-ordination and a range of movements enriched with Indian music, the training will give an access into the practise and appreciation of this dramatic dance form that embodies beauty and soul. Achievement on your course will be measured by whether you meet the following learning outcomes. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your own personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals, i.e. progression to an advanced-level course

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Have correct alignment and body conditioning for a good Kathak posture
  • Do basic footwork in Kathak using entire sole and heel
  • Co-ordinate footwork, arm movements and glance
  • Understand teentaal (rhythmic cycle of 16 beats)
  • Practise some basic compositions in teentaal.
  • Execute the technique of five and three step turns

Class format and activities

You will be doing a general and a style specific warm up at the beginning of the class to prepare the body for dance. You will be doing patterns of movement demonstrated by the tutor. You will be practising them to the accompaniment of the tabla (Indian percussion instrument). In order to ensure you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular constructive and supportive feedback from your tutor. The tutor will also set assessment activities involving student exchange of ideas and student self-assessment for all students.

Entry requirements

An open mind and a willingness to learn.

What you need to know before you enrol

A basic level of fitness is required to be able to do the practical work. However adjustments will be made to the movements to meet particular physical or learning needs. Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course may include some completion of activities outside of class time.

What you need

Students are required to dance in bare feet. Clothes that allow ease of movement. A notebook and pen/audio recording equipment A bottle of water.

What you can do next

The Morley College dance department provides an exciting and diverse range of term-time and short course dance study provision. Please speak to your tutor, pick up a prospectus, look at our website or call the dance department for more information.