When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PTGD01C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Use cardboard or found packaging, cut shapes or lines into it, collage found textures such as fabric, paper, tapes, etc to experiment and create compositions. This course is experimental and fun, utilizing recycled packaging and materials, emphasizing recycle and reuse. Students will have the opportunity to develop their own collagraph project during the second half of the term. Intermediate and advanced students will develop and improve their skills through personal projects, or combine collagraph with drypoint and carborundum for image making.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create collagraph plates using recycled packaging and found materials/textures.
  • Understand and utilise different textures to suit personal visual language.
  • Print collagraph plates using both intaglio and relief techniques.
  • Develop skills and strengthen critical decision making.
  • Encourage good workshop practice including Health and Safety in relation to self and other studio users.

Class format and activities

Morley College has introduced rules and procedures to ensure the studio is COVID safe. This includes reduced student numbers to ensure social distancing. Students will be making plates and prints and using the studio presses and equipment as needed. Teaching is through both group demonstrations and on a individual one-to-one basis. The class is run within a very friendly and supportive

Entry requirements

No previous experience of printmaking is necessary, but an interest in, or experience of drawing or design is useful. Or you may have some previous experience and wish to renew and develop your knowledge of one or more printmaking techniques.

What you need to know before you enrol

Health an safety information will be given at the start and throughout course. You may be asked to sign a form declaring that you agree to follow procedures as advised. Within printmaking there are some chemicals used which may be harmful in pregnancy. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant and they will advise you as to necessary precautions. Some of the presses and processes require a small level of physical strength. If you find any of the equipment difficult to operate the tutor is available to assist. Also please note that at present there is no wheelchair access to the print studio, which are on the first and second floors. If you have any mobility issues please contact the department prior to enrolling.

What you need

Please bring found flat textures (fabric, textured papers, etc), cardboard packagings, pencils, a variety of paintbrushes, a sketchbook or notebook and a portfolio to take home finished prints. Printmaking is potentially messy, so please do not wear your best clothes. Also due to Covid regulations we no longer have communal aprons. Please bring your own apron and marigold gloves. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as googles are provided. The course fee includes most studio consumables (basic inks, solvents etc) but you pay for paper, etching plates/ lino blocks etc. These are available to buy in the department.

What you can do next

Enrol on any of the subsequent Saturday morning classes, Beginners courses, Mixed Levels or All Levels courses on any day. There are also various short courses, which generally focus on single techniques. Please talk to your tutor for more advice on what to do next.