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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Course Code W24PTGE02B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Printmaking course suitable for Intermediate & Advanced students who have some printmaking experience and are keen to extend their practice as artists and printmakers. This first term will concentrate on collagraph techniques. Collagraph is a versatile and exciting printmaking technique that allows you to work in many different ways- from painterly markmaking, to more formal, structured, geometric images. It uses reasonably priced materials and can incorporate recycled materials- because of this it is easy and relatively cheap to work on large or multiple plates. You will be encouraged to work on multiple plates, and to change and alter plates to add extra layers of mark making. You will learn how to mix inks suitable for collagraph printing, how to modify inks where necessary, different ways of inking and wiping the plates and practice making high quality prints. In addition, the tutors will suggest an optional theme to work to, which will provide a focus for exploration and discussion.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • explore how to make prints using collagraph techniques or continue with other personal project
  • build on printmaking skills, develop personal visual language and critical decision making skills
  • participate and engage with your peer group in group crit, projects, demonstrations and discussions in order to progress in your work
  • build technical knowledge, and professional expertise in the safe use of printmaking equipment and the print workshop
  • explore artists work through study and research to support and enrich your own work
  • build a coherent body of work, prepare a portfolio or prints for exhibition

Class format and activities

The class is taught by two tutors, both of whom use collagraph in their own work, and are very experienced in the techniques. The two tutors will normally teach on different days- to a course timetable that will be shared with you at the beginning of the course, and will sometimes come together for group critique, tutorial and other key points in the term. Teaching will include a suggested starting project, and will be taught by demonstration, group crit, peer review and group work and one-to-one. You will be encouraged to keep a sketchbook to support the development of ideas and to record technical information. Tutorial will happen in groups and one-to-one. There may be external visits and visiting tutors. Personal time to explore and develop your own work.

Entry requirements

This class is open to intermediate and advanced students. An interest in drawing and exploration will be useful, and a desire to develop your printmaking. You should be up for joining in group work, crits and projects and want to engage in a process of research and reflection in order to develop your work as an artist and printmaker.

What you need to know before you enrol

Health & Safety information will be given at the start of the course and subsequent lessons where necessary. You will be asked to sign a form declaring that you agree to follow H&S procedures as advised. Some chemicals used may be harmful in pregnancy, and some may cause irritation in very rare cases. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant or have any sensitivities and they will advise you as to necessary precautions Note: at present there is no wheelchair access to the print studio, and the studios are on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. If you have any mobility issues please contact the department prior to enrolling.

What you need

Please bring to the first class: pencils, pens, brushes and other painting tools and a sketchbook. You may be asked to wear a face protector by the tutor. The course fee includes most studio consumables (ink, cleaning materials, solvents etc) but you will have to pay for paper, etching plates/ lino blocks etc. These are available to buy in the department at cost price. Further requirements will be discussed at the first and subsequent classes.

What you can do next

You will benefit from continuing on this course for one year in order to build your printmaking skills and continue to develop ideas. Students who enrol for all three terms will have the opportunity to exhibit work together at the end of Term 3.