There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.
This Course will allow students to learn wood carving and construction techniques. Students can explore the sculptural possibilities of different kinds of wood, and learn to make figurative, abstract or functional items. Students will be able to develop their own project and work at their own pace in a supportive workshop environment. Open to all levels, including beginners. Students are encouraged to stay on throughout the year to develop their work. Basic materials will be included but charged for when you exceed your materials allowance.
You will be able to work on an individual project agreed on with your tutor as part of your individual learning plan. Teaching is both individual and in groups. There will be technical demonstrations, presentations and led group discussions on technical and creative subjects.In order to ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular and detailed feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.
Complete beginners are welcome and supported on this course. However, you may have some previous experience and want to develop and practice, or learn a new technique. Beginners and ongoing students work side by side.
Pelham Hall Sculpture studio is offsite 5 min walk from the Main Campus on Lambeth Walk.
Bring overalls or clothing suitable for a workshop environment. NB: Students need to wear sturdy enclosed shoes at all times - not sandals or open-toed shoes. Bring sketchbooks and some drawing materials; pens and pencils, a card folder to keep handouts in. Bring along any photographs, postcards, sketches or illustrations as source material for your project. The course supplies wood, tools and equipment for most projects. Some students may need to buy their own wood or other material for specialist or advanced projects. This will be discussed with students at the first class.