Morley College Website Feedback

We’re keen to understand where you feel the site performs well, where you feel it could be refined and where you feel it could be developed further in the future. This form allows us to gather data from a number of stakeholders and/or users. We will identify patterns in the data and use these to help inform the future of the new website.

Please tell us which of the below best describes your relationship with the college(Required)
Tell us a little more about your employment with the college
Is your role full or part-time?(Required)
Which of the following best describes your role at the college?(Required)
What is your opinion on the design of the new website? Please select as many options as appropriate(Required)
In this section, we would like your help to inform us on how we should evolve the new website.
We are aware of a number of issues surrounding search results order, next course to run showing on courses outlines and occasionally some courses missing information.
We hope that making you aware that these are already being worked on will allow you to provide us with some new, exciting ideas and suggestions below.
Are you happy for us to contact you?(Required)