Morley Radio is the community radio station for Morley College London. It is central to the College’s vision of inspiring ambitions and creating outstanding learning opportunities.

Morley Radio is a platform for the learner’s voice, showcasing and celebrating student achievement, an invaluable resource for tutors in all subject areas to develop a wide range of course materials and class activities and a space to enable collaboration and building networks.

Located in the heart of the each of our main centres (Chelsea, North Kensington and Waterloo) our radio studios are state-of-the-art facilities built and equipped to professional specifications.

Visit the Morley Radio site to listen live.

Season 3 Episode 1: Notes on Imposter Syndrome’s New Normal And Your Mental Health This Winter
Sinéad and Melissa are back with a new season, ready to talk our way through managing imposter syndrome, boosting our self worth and living life on our own terms.

Morley Radio provides a forum for both students and staff to tell their stories, grow in confidence and learn new skills. It is an invaluable resource for tutors in all subject areas to develop a wide range of course materials and class activities.

Morley Radio enhances the student experience by: 

  • Creating a platform for the learner’s voice
  • Showcasing and celebrating student achievement
  • Building new collaborations and networks
  • Developing digital learning and literacy
  • Encouraging peer learning and building confidence

Community Engagement

Morley Radio enables students and staff to engage with our local community. This is a two-way conversation. In addition to producing radio, podcasts and video podcasts with content and updates on activities at Morley, we invite our listeners to tell us about their lives, businesses, projects and the things that are important to them.  

About the studio

The Morley Radio studio has been designed and constructed by award-winning studio designers Veale Associates and Transmation Limited, the teams behind the design and construction of commercial studio such as Capital Radio, LBC Radio, Classic FM, Absolute Radio, amongst many others.

The studio is an industry-standard facility which provides students and staff with an experience of the professional world of radio, broadcasting and podcasting. The equipment in the studio consists of Axia consoles, Neumman microphones, Genelec monitors. The studio is also interconnected with our Solid State Logic music recording studio and our concert facilities via RedNet systems, enabling us to broadcast live concerts, conferences and other large-scale events.

Contact Morley Radio

To listen or for more information including our schedule and programmes please visit our website or contact us at