Chelsea Safeguarding Team

If you don’t feel safe or are worried about the safety of other students, or anyone else at the College, we are here to help.

You can either contact us via the Reception Desk or email us at

James Ward

James Ward

Centre Principal

Edozie Ameke

Learning Support Coordinator

Nigel Garrigan

Director of Estates and Facilities

Pembe Kisa

Pembe Kisa

Safeguarding and Wellbeing Manager

Zena Naidu

Student Progress Advisor

Vwrah Sodje

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Cross College Safeguarding Leads

Craig Hanlon-Smith 

Vice Principal (Student Engagement) and Centre Principal (North Kensington)

Vusa Nkomo

Head of Student Services

Alison McNamara

Chief People Officer

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Staff)

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