Additional Learning Support 

Our Additional Learning Support (ALS) team offers support to all students with disabilities and learning difficulties across all centres. 

After an initial Needs Assessment we will work with you in identifying a support package that will complement your work in the classroom. All our tutors are qualified and understand the barriers that many of you may have in achieving your full potential.  

How do I start the process? 

We like to get your support in place as early as possible once your course begins; this increases your chances of success. You can ask your tutor to refer you to ALS, refer yourself by completing the learning support referral form or visiting the centre where you are studying to pick up a referral form from the Reception.

We encourage you come in for a Needs Assessment even if you are not sure if you have a disability or learning difficulty. It is our job to establish if you have a support need and if you do, decide what course of action is required. The Needs Assessment lasts around 45 minutes and is totally confidential. 

Adjustments in class 

Some students may require adjustments in class and the Learning Support Coordinator in your centre will work with your tutor to ensure they understand your requirements and how to implement them. This may also involve some adaptive equipment being used in class and this will be discussed during your Needs Assessment. 

Ongoing support during your course 

Students on accredited courses may be eligible for ongoing support either out of the classroom on in class. This could be around a Specific Learning Difficulty such as Dyslexia, a mental health need or a physical disability as well as other learning support needs.

We try to be as flexible as possible in how and when we deliver this support and a number of our students choose to receive this support online via Microsoft Teams. 

We naturally want to make sure that as many eligible students as possible access our service so we require you to commit to any support package and meet our attendance criteria and this will be set out to you before the support starts. 

Extra time in your exam 

If you have a learning support need, you may be eligible for extra time or other adjustments in exams if you meet the requirements set by the Exam Board.  In ALS we will help you in securing this. You must however ensure you give us good notice as the Exam Boards require us to tell them well in advance. 

We require you to come in and see us to discuss your requirements at least 10 weeks before the Exam and we will tell you what, if any, additional evidence you need to bring in for us. As with anything in ALS if you are in doubt, please come in and see us or email 

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) 

What is a PEEP? 

A PEEP is a plan for a student who may need assistance to evacuate a building or reach a place of safety in the event of an emergency. 

Who needs a PEEP? 

The key question to ask for a PEEP is “Can you leave the building unaided in an emergency?” 

If the answer is ‘No’, you will need your own evacuation plan. 

A PEEP may be needed for someone with an impairment or disability such as: 

  • Mobility impairment 
  • Sight impairment 
  • Hearing impairment 
  • Cognitive impairment 
  • A medical condition or injury which might cause them to need assistance to evacuate safely 

Sometimes the requirement for a PEEP may be temporary for instance, someone who is using a wheelchair because of a broken leg or someone in the late stages of pregnancy. 

If you feel you require a PEEP, please speak to your class tutor in the first lesson of your course.