Your Student Voice

Listening to and learning from our student body is an important component of Morley College culture and process.

It is well established and represents strong democratic traditions at the College where the input of students to our development is highly valued.

Our Learner Engagement Policy covers all aspects of College activities relating to and affecting students and their role as active partners in College life and curriculum development.

How to use your Student Voice

Student democracy is part of the tradition and fabric of the College and you too can play your part. Watch this video to find out more.

Student representation

Class Representatives

Class Representatives (CRs) ensure that students’ voices are heard at the programme and centre level and (through the Student Council and the Student Governors) by the senior management of the College and its Governing Body.

In line with Morley’s Student Engagement Policy, the Student Constitution provides for every class to elect one CR to serve on a centre-based Student Experience Forum (SEF). In addition, each Higher Education and Advanced programme and each Level 2 programme lasting one year or longer can elect two CRs to serve on the relevant Programme Management Committee (PMC).

Class Representatives are invited to meet with centre management and course leaders each term. These meetings (SEFs and PMCs) allow for an open dialog about how the college is running on a daily basis. They also provide students with an avenue for candid feedback about the centres and student facilities, and are a core avenue for student concerns to be presented and responded to.

Minutes from these meetings are captured by the college’s Quality Department and the responding actions are reported back to the Student Body via the “You Said, We Did” posters and digital displays.

If you want any further information or would like to get involved you can contact us at

The Student Council

The Student Council has directly elected members as well as representatives from the Student Experience Fora and Morley clubs and societies.

It works with College management to make sure the student voice is heard.

Members of the council are appointed to serve on College Committees and Steering Groups and the council nominates Student Governors from among its members. The council meets at least once per term to discuss college-wide issues affecting students and have the opportunity to engage with the Senior Leadership Team as well as other senior managers.

Student Governors

Students also influence the governance and strategic direction of the College.

Two students sit on the Governing Body, where all important decisions about Morley’s future direction are taken, and play a full part in its work. Student Governors are nominated by the Council and appointed by the Governing Body.


Elections take place for within the first 4 weeks of the academic year. Please speak to your tutor if you are interested in being a Class Representative and they can explain the system further.

If you are interested in joining the Student Council, please complete the Student Council Expression of Interest form and we will contact you when the election process begins in September.

Other ways to get involved

Student Surveys

Your feedback is also gathered through surveys throughout your studies. You will receive at least one survey each term, by email, which asks questions about your satisfaction with your student journey and the learning and teaching you receive.

Please do take 5 minutes to complete the survey. This feedback is very important to us as indicates where we need to enhance our level of service. 

Student Ambassadors

The College runs numerous functions and events throughout the year, including Open Days, Penny Lectures, Markets and Fairs. Representation of current students at these events is important as they are great ways for prospective students to learn about Morley and what it’s like to be a student here.

Student Ambassadors are current students who are willing to come along to these events and share, formally or informally, about their experience.

Student Digital Champions

Each class can nominate its own student digital champion who will receive training on the latest technological developments used by the college. This helps to develop individual digital skills and also provides a way to help others in the classroom.

What do you do as a digital champion? 
  • You explain to your classmates what their college usernames and passwords are.
  • You show your classmates how to connect to the college Wi-Fi.
  • You show your classmates how they can reset their college password.
  • You show them how to download useful as Apps, such as MyDay, Kahoot or Google Classroom
  • You go to a training session outside class time once a term.
What are the benefits to you?
  • You meet other digital champions.
  • You get support from your teacher and other staff members.
  • You develop your digital skills.
  • You develop your communication skills, including digital vocabulary.
  • You can use it as experience on your CV.

 If you are interested in becoming a digital champion please talk to your tutor.

Ask the Principal Podcast

Morley Radio produces a monthly podcast in which students and staff from across the college are invited to engage in candid conversation with the college Principal, Dr Andrew Gower. You can listen below to a previous episode which focuses on Student Voice at Morley and features then-Student Governor, Lesley Mills.

If you are interested in joining Dr Gower for a conversation, please contact Morley Radio:

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